Thursday, July 26, 2012

News and Such

So a lot has actually happened in the last few weeks, but it would literally take weeks to tell you all about it. So I'll keep it short because clearly, who has weeks to read one blog post....

Yay! America! I got to go home to good ole North Carolina! It was pretty amazing. I drank a copious amount of sweet tea, enjoyed time with parents and brother, brushed and fed carrots to my horse and donkey, ate wonderful food, and spent time with good friends. OH and I literally went to Target 4 times in 4 day period. One day I went twice...Don't judge, I like things, especially things I can't find in St. Kitts. 

Aside from doing all things I love at home; I got to go shopping with my best friend, Justine, for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding next June.  The day was wonderful and I love, love, love my dress for the wedding.  Thank you so much to the Kinney's for such a fabulous day; it was so special.

Being home was so nice.  It’s always good and, at times, very necessary to just go home. I had such an incredible few days at home with family and friends and got to do many things I love.  Shopping and food, the way to my heart.  Thank you also to my in-laws and sibling-in-laws (is that the correct way to phrase it?) for coming to visit me! I felt so loved! Oh and yumm the macaroni salad helped too!

It was hard to leave Andrew and Duke, but of course they fared just fine without me.  Andrew took great care of Duke.  Duke even got my side of the bed the whole time! 

Duke got his stitches out.  He is one AMAZING dog! He swims like a normal 4 legged dog, jumps in and out of bed and the car, and still runs as fast as lightning strikes!  It warms my heart that he is doing soo well.  I mean in the water when he swims you can’t even tell he has 3 legs.  I mean obviously when he gets out you can…Mom even got him a pirate bandana to wear and around town!

Justine! She is awesome! She came to visit us last weekend and we had a fabulous time! Though the weather was kinda hurricane like for about a day, we still managed to have a good time!  We didn’t have enough time! I would have loved to show her more.  We did layout and work on our tans.  Boy, tanning is tough work, but don’t worry I’m really getting good at it. We took her around the island, took her out to eat at some local places, and even showed her the grocery stores.  Our visit together was really nice and I can’t wait until it happens again!

Andrew is heading into finals in a few weeks.  Study, Study, Study!  I take my final next week. Study, Study, Study!

I brought lots of food and many other things (clothing, cough cough) back to our little tiny rock to enjoy. I even managed to bring back salsa from Andrew’s favorite restaurant, Centro. He loved me for that!

I got my haircut here and it was uneven! GASP!  But I went back the next day and they fixed it! Thank goodness!

Oh yeah and they raised Andrew's tuition..big bummer! 

I still have yet to see a whale….

Me and Sealy 

Sissy girl 

Daddy and Will 


Photo Shoot


Bridesmaids Weekend 


Happy Boy! 

Pirate Dog 

Duke clearly thinks he is too good for the rest of us...

1 comment:

  1. Had such a great time!!!! :) Thanks for being the tour guide and showing me around last weekend! :) <3
